Friday, October 24, 2008

Random Thoughts On A Friday

The only thing wearing black doesn't pick up is men and money.....

There are two kinds of people, those who light up a room when they walk in....
and those who light up a room when the walk out!

What is it about road kill that makes you have to look at it when you drive by
and try to figure out what h*ll it WAS??


Erin said...

I like the first one. LOL, it's true. We have a husky and two cats, and keeping pet hair off black is impossible. I have to sticky-roller myself right before I leave the house.

My mom has a thing on her wall that says

"Everyone brings joy to this house. Some when they enter, some when they leave."

Recovery Re-Run said...

Gotta tell you that an Elder's wife told me that wearing black thing...Sunday morning! LOL. Then we both giggled like crazy. Whoever invented those sticky rollers was a genious. And rich. I still use scotch tape at the office.

I LIKE your mom!!

Have a great weekend!! Try to enjoy running the gauntlet of construction mayhem! This too shall pass! ; )