Monday, October 13, 2008

The Shack

Ok. So I have finally purchased my copy of The Shack by William Paul Young. I cracked it yesterday and finished it today. I'm glad it was a slow day at my office. There is just so much to digest in this book.

The first thing that I keep coming back to is this exchange:

"Jesus?" he whispered as his voice choked. "I feel so lost."
A hand reached out and squeezed his, and didn't let go.
"I know, Mack. But it's not true. I am with you and I'm not lost. I'm sorry it feels that way, but hear me clearly. You are not lost."

And there it is. The deepest cry of my heart in my life right now. I FEEL so lost. And inside I choke back the sobs that grip my heart. Trying to find that hand that I need to be squeezing mine. I have some real deep sorting going on. I think I have gotten some stuff mixed up with my humanness.


Erin said...

Yes, that quote resonated with me, too. I love that book and I hope you have found some wisdom and encouragement in it.

How are you doing, Tara?

Recovery Re-Run said...

Hey Erin, I loved your post on the feminine side of God.
I'm doing fine. Life at it finest (tongue in cheek)....
The book was great! I can NEVER remember me highlighting a book. But this one is full of yellows and greens. Profound. Isn't God cool? Hugs!!

Anonymous said...

I just heard about this book a couple weeks ago and was told that i HAD to read it. Now im sure i do. I love you dearly keep me in your is so damn hard, eh. Im praying for you and so hold you dear to my heart...i wish right now that i could run away into your arms. love to you

Recovery Re-Run said...

Oh Sweet Lydia....I'm so glad you stopped in Dear Daughter That I Didn't Give Birth To. I miss you so very much. I'm so proud of the mom that you have become and of the walk with Christ that you still walk fearlessly. You are a gem in my heart. XOX.