Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Free Coffee, Rainbow Bright, & Being A M.I.L.F.

I have come to the awareness that I have a strange life. Just when I think that I am just about to fall on my face broken....someone in my life reaches out and grabs ahold of me one way or another. The last couple of weeks have really been some tough days for me. Dealing with disappointment. Hurt feelings. Expecations that will never be met. Yesterday started my upswing outta da pit...

First, I have a 1 1/2 hr commute in the morning and my one coffee stop is the same WaWa day in and day out. It's really cool when you get up to the counter and you find out that this really handsome guy already paid for my cup and left before I could thank him. What a guy!! That just helped me to walk a little taller. Smile knowing that there are still really nice guys out there.

Then I pick up my daughter from a friends house later that night after another 1 1/2 hr commute and she pops in a CD that was burned just for me by my Rainbow Bright. Rainbow Bright is one of the most amazing young men I have ever known. Sweet. Beautiful. Loving. Weird. As a matter of fact his weirdness is one of the reasons that I call him Rainbow Bright and one of the reasons that I just adore this young man. He has a different facet to look at every time I see him. And there has never been a side that I have seen that is icky or unwanted. Raised by a single mom in the Marines this guy is some kind of special. So I rode home listening to my special CD and knowing that I am loved by this kid enough for him to pick songs just for me to enjoy. And WOW. Great stuff. Only Rainbow Bright would pack Cher, Jewel, Sixpence, The McDonalds song and a tune from West Side Story. Gotta love this kid!!

Then another friend of mine, Calli M stopped by and reminded me that I am a M.I.L.F. I just said "M aren't you gay?"...."yeah, he said...but if I weren't"......sometimes strange is a very good thing in my life. I don't think that I'd want it any other way.

I am so amazingly blessed. I posted a song below that came directly off of Rainbow Bright's burned CD to me. Who can listen to this song and NOT feel empowered???


Erin said...

So funny - I knew it was going to be Believe even before I looked at the vid. That's a great song, and she definitely is a woman-empowerer. I love Cher.

I'm glad you have had some things help lift you up lately. That MILF comment, I couldn't help but think of that song "Stacy's Mom".

Anyhow. Have a good day.

Recovery Re-Run said...

Cher is a beautiful woman.
"Stacy's Mom"!!! I love that tune too! Life is hard but sweet. How is the renovations going?? I bet you're excited to have all back together and all fresh.

Erin said...

This weekend should be the "tiling" phase. But it's ok, we're surviving.

Anonymous said...

wow mommy. u r blessed nd u know that. u r also the best mom in the world u know all of my friends love you but the few that love u most are my closest friends. life isnt easy so when life throws lemons at u make lemon aide. likve life to ur fullest nd believe in uself we cant pick ur future but we do love you nd i know u will get through everything! just look in ur soul nd follow ur heart!

Recovery Re-Run said...

Thank you Baby Girl. It's pretty cool that my own daughter thinks I'm great. And so cool that you encourage. I'm so very proud of you!! XOX.